Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek
Book Design
160 SeitenISBN 978-3-86828-470-6
Kehrer Verlag
- Photo Books Winner of the PDN Photo Annual 2014
- Out Of Box Award 2014 – nominated
The World We Live In
Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek is a cranky Tyrolean, which sounds like a cliché but is actually the truth. In another universe, he might be the mastermind behind revolutions, a bicycle racer, or the leader of a nudist cult. Here, Daniel is one of the finest photographers, someone who dives into microcosms and comes back with romantic and yet authentic photos. At the same time, however, he feels at home in the vastness of open landscapes. This ostensible contradiction is what makes this book so great and beautiful, without ever being corny. (David Bogner)
Fotos: Thomas Albdorf